Categoría: Entrevistas con la gente del mundo del arte

“Keep pushing forward, stay inspired, and let your creativity shine”, Conversing with the painter and crypto artist Jeff Roland.

“Keep pushing forward, stay inspired, and let your creativity shine”, Conversing with the painter and crypto artist Jeff Roland.

Castle in the sand. This content is part of the series OUR NFT Journey. By Phani (Fidel Gomez)  Continuing with our interviews with the protagonists of the NFT ecosystem. On this occasion we spoke with our friend the french painter and crypto artist Jeff Roland. In his website we can read Jeff Roland's Artist Statement: … Seguir leyendo “Keep pushing forward, stay inspired, and let your creativity shine”, Conversing with the painter and crypto artist Jeff Roland.

“For me, photography and poetry are intimately connected. In many ways, I see my photographs as visual poems”, Conversing with the photographer and crypto artist Beatriz Urrutia.

“For me, photography and poetry are intimately connected. In many ways, I see my photographs as visual poems”, Conversing with the photographer and crypto artist Beatriz Urrutia.

Nostalgia This content is part of the series OUR NFT Journey. By Phani (Fidel Gomez)  Continuing with our interviews with the protagonists of the NFT ecosystem. On this occasion we spoke with the Spanish photographer and crypto artist Beatriz Urrutia.  Having studied mathematics, Beatriz embraces photography and finds in it her own way to express … Seguir leyendo “For me, photography and poetry are intimately connected. In many ways, I see my photographs as visual poems”, Conversing with the photographer and crypto artist Beatriz Urrutia.

“FOMO has definitely been a real driver in the NFT space”, Conversing with the crypto art collector and businessman Ralph Quintero.

“FOMO has definitely been a real driver in the NFT space”, Conversing with the crypto art collector and businessman Ralph Quintero.

Sample I by Thing Lab This content is part of the series OUR NFT Journey.By Phani (Fidel Gomez) Continuing with our interviews with the protagonists of the NFT ecosystem, this time we talked with our friend the businessman, entrepreneur and collector of crypto art, Ralph Quintero. From his newsletter Daily Ralpha, keeps the NFT community … Seguir leyendo “FOMO has definitely been a real driver in the NFT space”, Conversing with the crypto art collector and businessman Ralph Quintero.

“The more time I spend in nature, the more ideas are born”, Conversing with the crypto artist Vitaly Ging.

“The more time I spend in nature, the more ideas are born”, Conversing with the crypto artist Vitaly Ging.

This content is part of the series OUR NFT Journey. By Phani (Fidel Gomez)  Continuing with our interviews with the protagonists of the NFT ecosystem, this time we talked with our friend, the Ukrainian photographer Vitaly Ging, who has a great passion for nature, which is reflected in the photographic compositions he makes, based on … Seguir leyendo “The more time I spend in nature, the more ideas are born”, Conversing with the crypto artist Vitaly Ging.

“I think Art is an expression of our inner self”, Conversing with the web developer and crypto artist Philmo.

“I think Art is an expression of our inner self”, Conversing with the web developer and crypto artist Philmo.

Diffusion by Philmo. This content is part of the series OUR NFT Journey. By Phani (Fidel Gomez)  On this occasion for OUR NFT Journey, we had the great pleasure of talking with our friend, the Swiss web developer, programmer and crypto artist Philmo. Philmo's work is based on writing computer codes that create images and … Seguir leyendo “I think Art is an expression of our inner self”, Conversing with the web developer and crypto artist Philmo.

“I believe in the power of the universe and positive energies”, Conversing with the painter and crypto artist Susan Doyle.

“I believe in the power of the universe and positive energies”, Conversing with the painter and crypto artist Susan Doyle.

This content is part of the series OUR NFT Journey. By Phani (Fidel Gomez)  Continuing with our interviews with the protagonists of the NFT ecosystem, on this occasion I had the pleasure of speaking with my friend, the Canadian painter and crypto artist Susan Doyle. Susan has a splendid pictorial work, where color flows spontaneously, … Seguir leyendo “I believe in the power of the universe and positive energies”, Conversing with the painter and crypto artist Susan Doyle.

“Stay true to your own style! Always do your own thing”, Conversing with the painter, musician and crypto artist Robert Takacs.

“Stay true to your own style! Always do your own thing”, Conversing with the painter, musician and crypto artist Robert Takacs.

Social Meat, by Robert Takacs. This content is part of the series OUR NFT Journey. By Phani (Fidel Gomez)  Continuing with the OUR NFT Journey interviews, learning from the protagonists of the NFT ecosystem, on this occasion I had the pleasure of talking with the crypto artist from Vancouver, Canada, Robert Takacs, who has an … Seguir leyendo “Stay true to your own style! Always do your own thing”, Conversing with the painter, musician and crypto artist Robert Takacs.

“El mercado del arte repunta después del COVID-19”. Conversando con la galerista venezolana Gabriela Benaím.

“El mercado del arte repunta después del COVID-19”. Conversando con la galerista venezolana Gabriela Benaím.

Vicente Antonorsi, Esfera, 2016. Por segunda vez en el blog de Arte para la Vida tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con la galerista venezolana Gabriela Benaím, quien nos motiva a todos los trabajadores culturales a seguir adelante, y ver los desafíos de la vida como oportunidades de crecimiento.  Gabriela Benaím Ginnari nació en Caracas, Venezuela … Seguir leyendo “El mercado del arte repunta después del COVID-19”. Conversando con la galerista venezolana Gabriela Benaím.

Para mi el Arte lo es todo, Conversando con Trina Oropeza, Directora de IMAGO Art in Action.

Para mi el Arte lo es todo, Conversando con Trina Oropeza, Directora de IMAGO Art in Action.

Recientemente tuvimos el placer de conversar con Trina Oropeza, Directora de IMAGO Art in Action, centro cultural ubicado en la ciudad de Miami. Desde sus comienzos en el año 2016 tal como lo definen en su sitio web:  IMAGO es producto de la mente creativa de un grupo de personas apasionadas y de su necesidad … Seguir leyendo Para mi el Arte lo es todo, Conversando con Trina Oropeza, Directora de IMAGO Art in Action.

“El Arte es una forma de pensar, de entender y de hacer las cosas”. Conversando con Ana Gotta, Co-Directora de SOA Arte Contemporáneo. 

“El Arte es una forma de pensar, de entender y de hacer las cosas”. Conversando con Ana Gotta, Co-Directora de SOA Arte Contemporáneo. 

Soa Arte Contemporáneo, es un espacio alternativo y muy atractivo, dentro de la oferta de galerías de arte contemporáneo en Montevideo. Comenzaron en el año 2009 con un espacio en el barrio Cordón, en la Juan Manuel Blanes, recientemente (2018) hace menos de un año se instalaron en pleno peatonal Sarandí, en el corazón de … Seguir leyendo “El Arte es una forma de pensar, de entender y de hacer las cosas”. Conversando con Ana Gotta, Co-Directora de SOA Arte Contemporáneo.